Original Wildlife Art & Fine-Art Prints

Superb Fairy Wren Bird & Yellow Tang Fish Painting | TLTR

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Superb Fairy Wren, Yellow Tang & Frangipani

‘Gaia’ is a holistic term that refers to the complex living being, that is Mother Earth.

The Gaia Group is an undefined open collection of pieces that aims to show the interconnectedness of species that thrive within different elements but which play a part within the whole, of what a complete ecosystem is.

Removing the elemental barriers of Water, Earth and Sky we see combinations of beings from these three planes interacting/portrayed within a single image.

This aims to show and better highlight how each and every living entity & environmental property works in balance; and even though seemingly unrelated they are necessary for the harmonious stability of life, ecosystems and habitats that exist forming the complexities and nuances we see in nature.

As part of our Mother Earth we are all connected and dependent upon the beautiful balance and oneness of our shared home.

Oil on Paper

5in x 7in

Life-size Subjects