Original Wildlife Art & Fine-Art Prints
white tiger oil painting capv wildlife art mahdhav sarna 01.jpg

White Tiger Oil Painting | CAPV

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White Tiger

I wanted to create a piece that drew closer in to the details and beauty of a wild animal, creating this piece larger than life size with the aim to emphasise the captivating effect that being eye to eye with wildlife can have.

As a definitive symbol of power, beauty and charm, the white tiger has been one of those creatures that truly stops you, captivates you and with an almost trance like effect leaves you in awe.

Aiming to recreate the feeling and sensation of connection to something raw, 'Captivate' does just that. This wild being pulls you in to it's gaze and allows you the opportunity to get closer to something powerful than would naturally allow.

Oil on Canvas

40in x 60in